What is Criteo and the benefits of the retargeting platform

Much of the traffic a website receives does not translate into actual purchases. This results in giving up valuable conversions, but things don’t have to be that way.

Retargeting is a strategy that is of great importance for conversions, as it allows you to maximize the value of each business contact and bring to completion transactions that were interrupted before they were completed.

How does Criteo work?
Criteo is a renowned digital marketing platform used in 130 countries around the world.

Criteo is a versatile platform that allows you to get maximum value from every contact that comes to your site. It has over 1.4 billion monthly users and contributes something like $600 billion in revenue.

One can in fact:

  • connect with users potentially most interested in your products and services
  • show visitors products they have not yet tried
  • increase sales for the same cost
  • generate personalized ads based on users’ habits
  • increase views and interactions with the site through hits from thousands of publishers

The platform’s machine learning-based solutions enable budget optimization to reach the most appropriate user, and prevent fraud by filtering out invalid traffic. Predictive Bidding uses an impressive amount of data with which to optimize shopping cart value and conversions. It determines the value and cost of each impression through data from publishers, sites, and consumers in order to produce the most advantageous bids with respect to one’s case.

Criterion is a targeted retargeting platform that allows you to reach users who have abandoned your site without making a purchase. Advertising can be extended to different platforms so as to reach targeted users more accurately.

How does Criteo retargeting work?
Criteo is a retargeting platform that comes to the aid of those who need to reduce cart abandonment. It allows you to send customized advertisements based on user preferences, tailored to your budget and user preferences.

In fact, visitors produce signals when they interact with the website. From this information, it is possible to prompt users’ memories of products in a personalized manner.

Effective personalized advertising is about getting signals through that lead back to the appropriate products at the appropriate times. Thanks to Criteo, visitors can be contacted at the times when they are most active with ad hoc personalized messages.

Criteo is able to recognize the same user who has arrived from different devices: advertising must therefore be distributed along all channels ensuring much greater precision than with traditional systems.

Criteo provides several services to exploit the full potential of business contacts:

  • Criteo Dynamic Retargeting: Intelligently converts visitors into buyers, re-engaging them through dynamic, personalized and effectively placed ads
  • Criteo Sponsored Products: allows products to be shown during the path to purchase, taking into account user behavior across devices
  • Criteo Audience Match: allows you to create segments, uploading audiences through email lists
  • Criteo Customer Acquisition: performs retargeting for up-selling to existing customers, through data taken from a CRM
  • How to create personalized advertising with Criteo

First, place an integration code provided by Criteo on your website to analyze audience interaction. You will be able to keep users coming back to your site through personalized bids.

You can set ad bids based on the value each user holds for you, optimized through Predictive Bidding technology.

To use Criteo you must provide a set of data:

There are also a number of optional pieces of information that we may or may not choose to enter, which include:

  • Item group ID
  • Age group
  • Genre
  • Promotion ID
  • Link for mobile devices

Criteo however provides guidance on how to set up the product feed so you can avoid mistakes. Criteo also uses the same Google feed for products, so you can import the one created for Big G into Criteo.

Criteo’s Retargeting App
Criteo’s Advertising app allows us to intelligently convert users into buyers through ads that are personalized and calibrated to the preferences of visitors. With Criteo, we can serve ads on the many associated environments and call users back to the app to complete the purchase.

Criteo’s App Advertising leverages the power of Criteo Dynamic Retargeting, which provides:

  • a 360-degree, real-time view of user browsing behavior across browsers, devices and 550,000 apps.
  • the ability to deliver personalized dynamic ads set in real time via Criteo Dynamic Retargeting and Dynamic Creative Optimization+
  • the ability to customize ads based on data received monthly from 1.2 billion consumers. so it can produce ads that are particularly responsive to audience preferences

We can make even products that users have not visited more prominent by promoting through the ad the entire catalog, according to the most convenient opportunities estimated through machine learning. The Retargeting app allows us to boost engagement during the usage cycle and make users return to purchase more easily. Ads are tailored and optimized by employing the most appropriate visual elements.

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